How to Claim for Free
How to get the free mint
Sharddog ( will be faciliating claims for donors.
However, projects, OGs, and contributors must claim by tweeting and through telegram with core team.
In order to claim, first we check
if your address has already claimed.
if total donations to approved projects on Potlock registry through donate.potlock.near surpass 1 NEAR
if not than will be directed to donation page
if so automatically claims.
If No Donations
Go to and donate to 1 NEAR to approved projects. If you do this any time before the mint or during the mint you are elligible. (as long as your are one of the first 1012 unique accounts who claim). Donate now in order to make sure you can seamlessly claim.
Anyone is elligible as long as you donate over 1 NEAR to approved projects
After Successful Claim
List on secondary so can earn and royalties go pack towards public goods. Join potlock's telegram group and share you claim through link
Claim As An OG / Ecosystem Org
As of now we have special traits for the following communities. Some special traits are also allocated in the contirbutors category and extra are generated. Additional some ecosystem players can claim that don't have custom traits.
Organizations included in the OG/Ecosystem allocation include NEAR Foundation, Pagoda, NEAR Dev Hub, Build DAO, Banyan Collective, Minority Programmers, Paras, Mintbase, Big Brain Ventures, NEAR Social, Proximity Labs, Neko, Cafe Cartel, Sharddog, NEAR Vietnam, LONK, Mr. Brown, Calimero, NDC Congress, ReFi DAO, Gitcoin, Green Pill Network, Funding the Commons, Endaoment, Giveth, Funding the Commons, RetroPGF, Crypto Altruism, HERE Wallet, NEAR Tinker Union, Sharddog, ASAC, & Mara.
To see who can claim and how many check out in the OG tab
Contact yearofchef on telegram and promote the Potlock communtiy to reserve as larger share or contributor. in order to claim you must tweet from a person account. Some of these people are contirbutors.
"I am tweeting to claim my custom @yearofchef NFT as an OG with @_yourorghandle to support public goods on @Potlock_ #BOS {YOURADDRESS.near}
You must tweet this before the art is generated in order to create more of your brand's NFT. If you do not claim within the first week via tweet, we will list your custom trait on the market that needs to be bought to support public goods. Community members will reach out to raise awareness
Claim As A Potlock Contributor
Allocation is also allocated to anyone who has contributed to Potlock ecosystem in the past. Contributors get 1 of 2 "Cooks" badge.
"I am tweeting to claim my custom @yearofchef NFT as an Contributor to the public goods ecosystem on @Potlock_ with @_yourorghandle #BOS {YOURADDRESS.near}
Contributors include
Build DAO, Banyan Collective, NEAR Foundation, Flipside Crypto, NDC Tech WG, Learn NEAR Club, NEKO, Creatives DAO, Holonym, Wild User Interviews, NEAR Impact, Guvenkaya, ViaPrize, Minority Programmers, NEAR Tinker Union, Ottersec, NEAR NFT Club, Sharddog.
To see who can claim and how many check out in the "Contributors" tab
Claim As A Project
Each approved project on the registry (go to to see if you are a project. Claim 1 NFT per project (with a custom "Menu" trait) by tweeting from your organization account.
Claiming @yearofchef NFT as an a Public Good approved on @Potlock_ with #BOS {YOURPOTLOCKPROFILE ON}
Last updated
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